Friday, March 13, 2015

The Gluten Free Journey So far: A Health Update

Well. If I told you the last 6 weeks have been easy, it would be a lie. 

If I told you I’ve been "so much better" since I’ve been off gluten, that would be an overstatement.

I can tell you; however, that I have seen improvement, that I’ve learned a lot, and that I still have a lot to learn. 

First off: I’ve had less stomach pain, constipation and bloating. TMI, right? Sorry, but that has been my biggest improvement. My hands and arms hurt less and I’m not as tired. I’ve had some downright good days where I think to myself, “Wow, you really were sick. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this good.” And other days I know I feel worse and it must be part of the healing process. The one thing that hasn’t improved is my headaches. My Dr. said it could take 6 months to a year to have those really improve, so I guess I’ll get set for the long haul.

I’ve learned a lot: gluten is found almost everywhere! It’s in chicken broth and chicken bullion. It’s in soy sauce and other marinades you buy ready to use. It’s in canned chili, rice mixes, and lots of other processed foods. Of course we all know processed foods aren’t the best for us, and I was trying to stay away from them. However, on busy days, it was so easy to grab something and have it ready quick. Those days are gone.Or at least until I find some better quick cooking strategies. 

I’ve also learned a new word: glutened

It’s not in the dictionary so I’ll define it for you. Glutened: the state of being poisoned by gluten. 

You can’t really feel the effects of being glutened until you have been off gluten for a while. It’s like your body is getting cleared out and then gets hit with a bit of gluten and says, “Whoa, that stuff is awful!” It’s like having been sitting in the hot tub and then jumping in the swimming pool again. You’ve been used to something your whole life and your body just starts to cope, to play survival. Then you begin to clean it out, to help it heal. Since I’ve been off gluten, my body is more sensitive to dairy and sugar. It’s communicating with me more, letting me know what it likes and what it doesn’t. When I have accidentally eaten gluten, my old symptoms that I didn’t even really know where there, flare up almost instantly. 

I’ve also learned that I am very blessed. I’ll not go on and on about my symptoms because frankly, mine just are not as bad as they could be. I have been blessed with essential oils and amazing supplements that have helped my body cope and survive. I think, as I’ve researched and talked with others, that I have been spared from many worse symptoms that are out there. I am also grateful for my Doctor. She didn’t just give me medication and send me on my way. She took the time to educate me and explain why she thought I should go off gluten. She provided me with resources and with hope. I can’t imagine how sick I may have been in 5 years if I had stayed on the road I was.
As I pin recipes on Pinterest and surf blogs on the gluten free life, I see I have much to learn. I am excited to see what my essential oils have to offer in the way of healing my brain and managing my symptoms. Every bend in the road we call life is something we can learn from. I'll share that knowledge and experience as I go with you! 

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