Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Motivate Your Kids to Learn

Major parent complaint: 
"My kids just aren't motivated to (insert any verb here related to education)."

Most often expressed teacher plea,
 "If I could just motivate my students to (insert any verb here related to education).

What if there were a simple answer to create motivation for
 reading, writing, researching and presenting? Could it really be?

This year for Christmas, we got our boys a present they love and treasure. And it was SO simple.

A science kit.

Not the fancy dancy science kits that cost a lot and do only one or two different experiments. This was a science kit filled with the ingredients you probably already have on your shelves, like corn starch and corn syrup, salt and vinegar, etc. I remember the day I went to use my corn starch and it was all gone, having been the subject of science the day before. So... yes. We got them their own kit of materials to be used JUST for science. (See a complete list at the bottom)

It has been amazing to watch them try out the experiments, discuss the science behind each experiment, and.... (enter drum roll please)

...write and present about their experiments! 

(ok.. so it's still a bit of a challenge for the writing part, but if you require a written portion before they can video tape, Motivation.Is.There!)

What I love most?
Seeing the kids come up with their own experiments. Their favorite question is,
"What would happen if...?"

Actually what I loved even more, 
Seeing my 5 year old daughter come up with her own experiment and then sit down at the computer to type what it was she was doing. She asked for help to spell each of the items in her experiment. She proudly printed it out and showed Daddy. She then asked for it to be her turn to video tape and show her experiment.

See what's missing? No nagging. No arguing. Not even encouraging!

Simply guiding the genius that is already your child or student to emerge.

Asia Citro, MEd author of The Curious Kid's Science Book said,

"Children are born scientists. Young children are curious, observant, and determined problem solvers. Giving children a chance to make their own experiments allows these natural skills to grow and bloom."

Conducting science projects is now a favorite family activity looked forward to almost as much as movie or game night!

Are you a teacher and wondering, "Sure, that's great for the home setting, but that won't work in my classroom?" Stay tuned for my next post on ideas to incorporate experiential science into the classroom. It CAN be done!

Here's the Video!

Sticky Glitter: