Friday, January 30, 2015

Effective Instructional Strategies for Deaf Students (and really all students)

I received a message from a reader the other day. He is the father of a deaf son, and he was heartbroken from my post. "So you had him in a Deaf school and it didn't work? And here I'm thinking a Deaf school is what my son needs!" 

Another question from a phone conversation a month back, "What do you look for in a good program or a school for your deaf child? How do I know if it's a good school?" 

This post is my answer. 

No matter what kind of program you decide to place your child:a residential school for the Deaf, a day program, a magnet school, there are some basic strategies that will make or break any program. A classroom teacher that implements effective strategies and an administration that encourages and requires such strategies will be a more successful program.

When we told the IEP team we were bringing my son home, the comments we got were supportive: “My grandsons were all homeschooled.” And this one I love, “School is not for everyone.” Well. My son did great in school until last year. Unfortunately, effective strategies were not used consistently in his classroom. Maybe ‘school’ in the traditional sense of skill and drill isn’t for everyone, but school COULD and SHOULD be for everyone. If we would change a few instructional practices, children would be able to thrive no matter what their ‘special need.’ And all children would benefit. How many 3rd graders do you know like to sit and do work sheets and independent work all day?
In my work as a teacher of the deaf, and now even more as a parent of deaf children; I have seen what strategies will really engage your students/children, and others that will cause behavior problems, boredom and poor overall achievement. The table below shows ineffective instructional strategies and effective instructional strategies. Keep in mind, the ineffective strategies can be used in instruction; it’s how often they are used and to what extent. We all need a little skill and drill to practice and retain information, but too much is too much! Each Strategy will be summarized in my next post (this one is getting too long). I’ll be including posts on examples of many as we do activities here at home that match the strategies. 

The overuse of strategies found in the left column and the absence of strategies in the right, and the effect it was having on my child, is what finally caused me to take him out of school and start home school. 

My advice for parents looking for a good program for their child? 

  1. Tour the school while school is in session, observing the teachers and the students during instructional time.
  2. Review the school's language policy and philosophy. Use this, but don't base everything on it. For example, Utah's language policy is decades old, and their actual classroom practices in the elementary grades are much better then their language policy implies.
  3. Interview the administration, teachers and staff. Question the use of the effective strategies listed on the right. What is the administration's commitment to making sure these are carried out in the classroom?
  4. Try to find another parent in the area that has a child attending the school. (This might be tricky) - or review the school's website and reviews online.
  5. Search for videos the school may have produced. I know some great schools are out there because of the videos they have published on YouTube. Check out these! Animals in ASL by California School for the Deaf Riverside.      Wizard of Oz by Florida School for the Deaf,  
 I'd be happy to be a "sounding board" for your questions concerning programs you are considering! Leave me a comment or email me:

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Lego Fractions!

While on Facebook one day, we saw the idea of teaching fractions with Legos. Awesome! Here is our take on it! By the way, this is a fabulous way to do a math journal! He was way motivated to share his learning with someone! Thanks for watching!

One Lego block equals one whole and has 8 dots. It can also be written as 8 or 4  . 
                                                                                                               8      4
A half block has 4 dots and can be written as 4 or 1.
                                                                8     2
All together it is 1 1.

1 whole when cut in half vertical is same horizontal because both have 4 dots, and equals 1/2 or  4/8.
A block with two dots equals 1/4 or 2/8.
Add both parts together: 4/8+ 2/8 = 6/8 so 2/4 +1/4  = 6/8 or 3/4.

You can count your fractions with Legos too:

the blue is 1/4, the green 2/4 or 1/2, the gray + red is 3/4  and the pink is 4/4 or 1 whole.

Thanks for watching me! I hope you have fun with fractions! Have a good day!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Starting Home School!

If you've followed my blog: Powerful Parents, you'll know that I am a teacher of the deaf and am passionate about teaching deaf children. I am also the parent of 4 amazing, beautiful, smart children. One can hear (is hearing) and the other 3 are deaf.

After a year and a half of struggling in school, I did it, I brought him home. Read about how that journey started here.

Here's what happened. Christmas break ended and he went back to school. Everyday was a fight to get homework done. He started missing privileges, then started acting out more at home. Martin Luther King day - no school. Then Tuesday he came home a wreck. He was out of control and I knew something was wrong. I just looked at him and asked, "What happened?"  He actually let me hug him and replied, "It's been an awful day."

When I finally got the chance to sit down with him, after all the hustle and bustle of the afternoon, I simply asked him to tell me how he was feeling. He answered, "panicked." We had recently discussed different emotions and the idea of "panic" and "paranoia." It was an emotion we had recently identified and that he knew he had felt before. He was telling me, "I'm stressed out. I don't feel safe." Other emotions we identified as we talked: frustration, boredom, feeling restricted (creatively).

Future blog posts are going to explore some of these emotions and what in his school environment could have attributed to that. I've been asked what to look for in a good school/classroom for a deaf child. That will be a post later this week.

SO.... I finally said enough, is enough. Today started day 1 of home-school and it's going to be an adjustment. However, he is excited and I guess that's saying something. At the moment he is leading a language arts activity with my pre-schooler. The classic activity labeling items in the house. You might hear from other sources that this isn't the best activity to do, however I have found it extremely useful in my house. It's a fabulous literacy activity. He is spelling words and learning some root words, while my pre-schooler is doing letter recognition, as well as object identification and pre-literacy.

Make your labels with your child, instead of doing it and then just placing them around.
 Labels for items in your house.

Simple steps to maximize the benefit of Labels in your house!

1. Pick which objects to label.
2. Sign and fingerspell the objects with your child.
3. Type or print them on durable paper. My over achiever laminated them with clear contact paper.
4. Fingerspell the word again as you place your labels.
5. If your child is already in the word recognition phase, you could put out two words, fingerspell the correct word and have them choose the correct label.
6. Refer back to the labels during daily routines, fingerspelling and signing the name of the objects frequently.

What else do we have in store today?

A Science project that I found in my fridge this morning: we will be investigating mold. Since he's never been involved with a Science Fair, we are going to do the whole big bang project and take it to other home-schooled students in our neighborhood.

Other great ideas I have: Lego fractions!

Our reading workshop and language arts theme will be all around Harry Potter and Heroes. We are reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets right now. So in light of this new adventure and the many ideas that I have been asked for, I'm starting a new blog featuring my 3 deaf children, homeschool, language and literacy activities as well as parenting tips and great support ideas for parents of deaf children & even health and wellness! Put your email in to follow and join our journey!