Deaf Sense

James and Lynell Smith, who have a passion in improving the education for deaf children, founded Deaf Sense.

James has created products that INSPIRE your deaf child to achieve their dreams and discover their deaf heritage. SHOP here 

 James was involved in various organizations and committees whose mission is to ensure deaf children have the opportunity to succeed; however saw little improvement in the quality of education. Lynell taught for 5 years at a school for the deaf, has worked for research and development in education for 4 years and is now at home teaching the children in home-school. As concerned citizens and parents, James and Lynell studied the deaf education system; different approaches the organizations and committees were using as well as current political policies and lobbying techniques to determine a proactive approach that would truly improve the system. James collaborated with prominent leaders and professionals in deaf education, and discovered that new strategies are essential in improving the quality of education. As a result, Deaf Sense was born to take on the challenge of meeting these needs.

Deaf Sense aims to inspire students, enhance community, empower and serve parents, and improve the quality of education for deaf children by collaborating with professionals and experts to achieve success in deaf education reform. Hence, literacy programs for deaf children will be enhanced, barriers between parents and experts on education diminished, the number of successful Deaf individuals increased. They will be valuable contributors to society, capturing the high quality of life they deserve to have.

It is the goal of Deaf Sense to become a nonprofit organization. We are currently seeking qualified individuals with our same interests and passion. If these goals resonate with your own, we invite you to contact us about becoming a board member.

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